Her real name is Gabriele, although she is known by another name. She appears in the list of the hundred most influential people in the twentieth century of Time magazine. Slim, blue eyes, brunette, she made short hair fashionable as a sign of female liberation. She used to wear her creations to horse races to …
Categoría: GUESS WHO?
Enlace permanente a este artículo: https://cpepamiguelhernandezhuesca.catedu.es/a-fashion-pioneer/
Feb 05
Another one Bites the Dust
He was born in 1946, in Zanzibar, and he spent most of his chilhood in British India. There, on the recomendation of one of his professors, he began his piano lessons with only seven years of age, and was part of the school choir. Later, their family moved to England and landed in Middlesex in …
Enlace permanente a este artículo: https://cpepamiguelhernandezhuesca.catedu.es/anotherone-bites-the-dust/
Ene 06
A Committed Singer
She is a Spanish singer and actress. She was born in Madrid in 1951. She is married and has two children.She has participed in more than forty films, thirty theatre plays and has released more than thirty-five albums.She studied piano and solfeo and participated in radio competitions.In 1964 she was already known as a new …
Enlace permanente a este artículo: https://cpepamiguelhernandezhuesca.catedu.es/a-committed-singer/
Ene 06
She was born in a village in Costa Rica and died in Cuernavaca, when she was 93 years old. Her childhood was difficult, marked by diseases and conflicts with her family. When she was 17 years old, she went to Mexico to look for a job. Those were very hard years. When she was 30 …
Enlace permanente a este artículo: https://cpepamiguelhernandezhuesca.catedu.es/moon-light/
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