She was born in the year 69 BC, in the capital of Egypt then Alexandria.
The identity of her mother is a mystery.
She ascended to the throne at the of age 18, and adopted the title of «the one who loves her homeland»
She was an incredibly beautiful woman and had a great education. She was the first Queen to speak Egyptian.
She ruled a kingdom alone in difficult circumstances and aspired to build an Empire. A woman on the throne of Egypt was an exceptional situation that occurred rarely, her reign lasted 21 years.
She felt a special fascination for cats.
In Rome Cesar made a golden statue in the temple of Venus in her honour.
She conquered the two most powerful men in Rome: Julio Cesar with whom she had a son, and Marco Antonio with whom she had three children.
None of her children lived to inherit Egypt.
She killed herself when she was 39, her grave was not found.
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