He was born in Huesca in January of 1886 and he studied medicine in the University of Zaragoza.

In 1908, he entered in the medical body of the Spanish

Army and he was assigned to Melilla during two years in the Rif War.

In 1911, he returned to the peninsula and he was assigned to Tarragona, Toledo, Mahon, Ciudad Real, Alicante and Madrid.

Later, in 1912, he published the paper “La lucha en campaña contra las enfermedades infecciosas” and this year he got the doctoral degree in the Universidad central de Madrid.

When he returned to Madrid, he worked in the War ministry to participate in the reform military health.

During the First World War he was commissioned for the inspection of the concentration camps of Austrian-Hungarian.

In 1919, he edited la “Revista Española de Cirugía” where, in 1921, he published the paper: “Anestesia metamérica,” describing 43 surgeries using the epidural anaesthetic. As these paper is not translated to others languages, it has been forgotten.

In 1931, the Italian medical Dogliotti announced that he had discovered the epidural anaesthetic.

Until 1961 his principal paper was not translated to English and finally, the medical community recognised your discovery: La anestesia epidural.

He died in 1923 with 37 years in a car accident.

Since February 26th of 2001, the epidural anaesthetic was usually used for the  deliberys in the San Jorge Hospital of Huesca.

Vicente Bibián

English for Fun 4A

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