She was born on December 16, 1775 in Steventon (Great Britain), a daughter, a house wife and an Anglican priest.
She was one of the two daughters of this marriage that had eight children, the other was Cassandra her sister and best friend.
Her family belonged to the agrarian bourgeoisie. She received education and training at home. Her family loved to read, in fact, her father had a large library.
This environment dedicated to her housework, writing and avid reading, accompanied her all her life. She never married and never left the family home.
She is one of the great novelists in history. However, she didn’t become quite famous, since at the time, it wasn’t appreciated that women wrote professionally.
She had an elegant prose, fluid and with a certain sarcastic tone. She delves into detail, humour, with ability she portraits postumbristas around romantic conflict designed with feminine, intelligent an ironic perspective.
She described very everyday scenarios like country live, or love for the neighbors. Her descriptions were realistic. She was also very good at describing the society where she grew up and criticized things like marriage without love or the privileges of some people.
She managed to publish four novels in life and two novels after her death. She also wrote fifty stories.
Her first published novel was Sense and Sensibility in 1811. Later her masterpiece was published in 1813, although it was the first one she wrote.
Her work has been taken to the cinema on different occasions and adaptations.
However, the most faithful and perfect version so far has been made of her most important novel is the series presented by the BBC starring by Colin Firth (my favourite actor) and Jennifer Ehle, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
Her life has also been taken to the movies with the film Becoming Jane.
The interest that her work continues to arouse today shows the validity of her thinking and the influence she has had in later literature.
She died in Winchester on July 18, 1817. She was 41 years old. She was buried in Winchester Cathedral.
In 1967 a commemorative plaque was added in the Poet’s corner of Westminster Abbey.
Mª Ángeles Escuer
English for Fun 4B

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