I’m going to talk to you about somebody famous in the whole world. My character was born in France, in 1959, in a book. He’s tall and fat but his weight isn’t a problem for him; in fact, he’s proud of it. His most striking feature is his huge strength because, when he was young, he fell in a cauldron full of magic potion. He has long red hair, blue eyes and a red moustache. He usually wears baggy striped white and blue trousers and he doesn’t wear anything on his chest. He always wears a green leather belt. He looks comical. He isn’t very clever but he’s generous and naïve. He feels very important. He has two hobbies: eating a lot and fighting. He’s a warrior. He always fights against many people in the world especially Romans and he always wins thanks to his magical strength. Children love him a lot. However there are also many adults who have empathy for him. Who is he? Have you guessed yet? In order to help you, I can give you a last clue. We always see him with his best friend: his dog.
Maryvonne Brun
English for Fun 4B

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