Spanish Oscar Winner

The celebrity was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1969.

He’s tall, he has brown eyes and brown hair.

He comes from a family of Spanish actors: his grand-parents, his mother  and his brother. His uncle was a films-director.

He isn’t good-looking but he has a good appearance, appropriate to interpret either aggressive or affectionate characters because he talks with his eyes.

He has participated in more than 30 films since 1990. He got an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA as best supporting actor for his interpretation in No Country for Old Men.

He has won five Goyas among other awards such San Sebastian, Cannes and Venice Festivals.

He’s married to another famous Spanish actress whom he met at the beginning of his career.They met again 18 years later working at the orders of Woody 

Allen, and now they have two children.

The Spanish actor is defender of the Saharawis’ rights and the oceans protection. He and his brother collaborate with Greenpeace.

He publishes only environment content on his social networks.

Pilar Azanza

English for Fun 4B

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